The Algester Community Men's Shed story begins within the Parish Council of the Algester Anglican. This was led at that time by the Rev. Jane Mitchell. The Parish Council funded the printing of an open invitation for anyone who wished to attend. The first meeting was held in The Anglican Church Hall in 2016.
A shed committee was formed with Mr. James Harrison as President. Many years of hard work followed with the Church Hall being "HOME". Money was raised by participating in numerous Bunnings BBQ's. A number of false starts were to follow before a permanent venue could be found. However in Dec 2020 the offer came from the Dept of Education for premises at the "Old School" at 282 Ritchie Road Pallara. After a quick committee meeting the offer was accepted, members informed and "OUR SHED" was quickly established and expanded.
In January 2021 Mr. Geoff Curtis, zone rep for the QMSA visited the shed and a bond was formed between shed president Bob Hetherington and Geoff. This resulted in discussions around an Official Opening. This was held on the 20th March 2021. The day was a great success.
Guests on the Day
Leeane Enoch MP (who officially opened the shed)
Vicki Howard BCC
Rev Jane Mitchell (retired)
Rev Morris
QMSA President John Greatex
Mt Gravatt, Forest Lake and Sunnybank Men's Sheds
Bendigo Bank Acacia Ridge, Crime Stoppers, Bug Guy Pest Control and Solarhart.
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